Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center Information server
Ukraine is a member of the
Cross-border cooperation in the basin. Dniester

Hazard assessment of the hydrological situation in the Dniester River
cross-sections of stream gauge as 08 h 22.10.2024

  • Hydrological situation is calm, the water levels are within riverbeds
  • Water level reached and exceeded the mark floodplains, there is a risk of flooding floodplain areas, farmland
  • Water level reached and exceeded hazardous mark at which begins the partial inundation (flooding) areas and facilities, possible adverse effects on objects and settlements
  • Water level reached and exceeded the dangerous mark, for which there are massive flooding areas and facilities, possible destruction, disruption of the sectors of life

Storm warning

Небезпечних явищ не очікується

Прогноз витрат води, м3/c

створений 22.10.2024
Річка, пост Дата
Бічний приплив до Дністровського вдсх. 25
Дністер, Галич 75
23.10 24.10
Дністер, Заліщики 120 110